Tin-Plated Steel Mechanism

In this 4-week material exploration of tin-plated steel sheet, I investigated how the material could lend itself to modularity, connection, and articulation. I created several studies that led to a final prototype. Tin-plated steel sheet, copper wire, brass tubing.


Each study derived from insights I gained from previous studies. Below shows each iteration, from left to right.

Study 1

The first studies consisted of singular mechanical modules. I initially used copper wire for the joints.

Study 2

I discovered that creating rivets with tubing would provide for a more durable connection, as well as smoother movement.

Study 3

The modules’ movement led me to experiment with connecting multiple together. I modified the proportions of the module to allow for a sufficient hinge width, as well as increased the overall size for easier handling. I discovered that the modules articulated well, but that the hinges’ three-segment design compromised their strength.

Study 4

I modified the hinges to have two segments, and added two additional modules to test the limits of their articulation.

I learned from my fourth study that adding on modules didn’t hinder their articulation. In my final prototype, I went on to add two more modules. To ensure that all six modules would be stable, I slightly decreased their overall size. I continued to refine the design in this final study: I re-designed the hinges for greater durability; as well as used brass tubing with a greater diameter to create the rivets, in order to emphasize them visually.